ES | EN | PT
ISSN 2604-7071

Rythm is key

Angel Silva Cerpa, Miguel

Tachymyopathy is a potentially reversible disease in which the left ventricular dysfunction is induced by auricular or ventricular arrythmias. Its diagnosis is difficult and it requires a high alert. There are multiple arrythmias that can be responsible for this disorder ...


Cardiotoxicity as a cause of heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction

Sánchez Martínez, Eduardo

Chemotherapy use in onchological patients and the continuous advance in this field have caused important survival rates rise and pathologies regarding secondary effects of this treatment likewise. A case of a patient who suffered breast cancer at early age is presented, in which surgery, chemo and radio where used ...


Optimization of factors influencing heart failure decompensation. Multidisciplinary challenge

González Navarrete, Lourdes

We present a case of decompensated heart failure with a preserved ejection fracture in the context of ischemic heart disease whose interest is marked by the clinical complexity of the patient, requiring a multidisciplinary assessment; and the difficult optimization of the treatment, highlighting the role of ISGLT2 as the only pharmacological group that has been shown to reduce mortality and the number of hospitalizations in this group of patients ...


Making decisions in heart failure: "unity is strength"

Serrano Lozano, David

Heart failure is a very prevalent health problem in our environment, with clear prospects of an increase in its prevalence in the coming years. New therapies such as angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI) and sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) constitute a new alternative for these patients with clearly demonstrated clinical and prognostic benefits ...


Efecto sobre la capacidad aeróbica de un programa de ejercicio telemático en personas con accidente cerebrovascular crónico: un ensayo aleatorio controlado

Carrasco Romero, Pere

El ictus es una de las principales causas de discapacidad a nivel mundial, alterando condiciones físicas y cognitivas. El entrenamiento físico puede mejorar la capacidad aeróbica y la funcionalidad. La capacidad física y la capacidad aeróbica de los pacientes con ictus pueden evaluarse mediante pruebas que normalmente se realizan en persona ...


Eficacia de la terapia acuática en la disminución del dolor de mujeres con fibromialgia

Rivas Neira, Sabela

La fibromialgia es una enfermedad crónica, de etiología desconocida, caracterizada por la presencia de dolor generalizado, a menudo asociado a otros síntomas como la fatiga, sueño no reparador y alteraciones cognitivas.