Cardiac rehabilitation to exertion
Readaptació cardÃaca a l’esforç
Authors: Eloi Arias Labrador
Keywords: Cardiac rehabilitation. Aerobic resistance training. Continuous variable method. Strength-endurance training. Overload
Keywords: Rehabilitació cardÃaca. Entrenament resistència aeròbica. Mètode continu variable. Entrenament de la força-resistència. Sobrecà rrega
Abstract: Cardiac rehabilitation has the highest level of evidence in medical reference guidelines. The mainstay of interdisciplinary treatment is the individualized, supervised and directed exercise program. Knowledge of the physiology of the effort is essential to optimize the improvement of the patient's prognosis while reducing associated risks. The training that has shown the greatest improvement in the morbidity and mortality of cardiovascular disease is the one that combines aerobic endurance in a continuous variable method with overloaded muscle toning.
Abstract : La rehabilitació cardÃaca té el mà xim nivell d’evidència en les guies mèdiques de referència. El tractament interdisciplinari té com a pilar fonamental el programa d’exercici fÃsic individualitzat, supervisat i dirigit. És imprescindible el coneixement de la fisiologia de l’esforç per optimitzar la millora del pronòstic del malalt alhora que per reduir riscos associats. L’entrenament que ha demostrat una major millora de la morbi-mortalitat de la malaltia cardiovascular és aquell que combina la resistència aeròbica en mètode continu variable amb el de la tonificació muscular amb sobrecà rrega.
Eloi Arias Labrador
Citation: Eloi Arias Labrador. Readaptació cardÃaca a l’esforç. |
Received: December 04, 2019 Accepted: December 09, 2019 Published: December 27, 2019 |
Copyright: © 2019 Eloi Arias Labrador. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC), which allows, distribution, reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited and non-commercial use. |
Funding: I certify that no funding has been received for the conduct of this study and/or preparation of this manuscript. |
Conflicts of Interest: I have no conflicts of interest to declare |